
Rev. Ken Anderson

Rev. Ken Anderson

Pastor, Parkway Baptist Church

Jesus Christ came and gave his life so that all that believe on him could have eternal life. He said, “I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly.” (John 10:10 NASB) The most innocent of our society are many times being robbed of the opportunity to even experience that abundant life. I am thankful that our city leaders are willing to explore the possibility of leading Clinton to stand for life. I commend you for entertaining this proposal, to designate Clinton a safe city for the unborn, and trust God’s way will be accomplished because of your actions.
Dr. Greg Belser

Dr. Greg Belser

Pastor, Morrison Heights Baptist Church

Every person is created in the image of God, including the preborn. It is certainly my great desire to see every citizen enjoy the fullest protections of the law and be protected from injustice of every kind. We have no right to injure or destroy a living soul, particularly the most vulnerable of all. May God bless this initiative and use this to call others to rally to end this great blight on our nation’s conscience.

Rev. Ryan Culpepper

Rev. Ryan Culpepper

Pastor, Pocahontas Baptist Church

My name is Ryan Culpepper pastor of Pocahontas Baptist Church and I believe the Bible is clear that all human life is precious and valuable and we are created by God for his purpose and his pleasure. (Colossians 1:16) I strongly support the initiative to designate the city of Clinton as a “Sanctuary for the Preborn.”
Rev. Bobby Dungan

Rev. Bobby Dungan

Pastor, Wildwood Baptist Church

I fully support Clinton becoming a Safe City for the preborn and encourage all our citizens to do the same. The Word of God is clear, all people are made in the image of God and because of this, all life is valuable and worth protecting, inside and outside the womb. I’m proud to support this issue, giving a voice to the voiceless in our community, our state, and our country.
Rev. Ian Kayser

Rev. Ian Kayser

Pastor, Providence Presbyterian Church

As the Pastor of Providence Presbyterian Church in Clinton as well as a father, I would support the action to make Clinton a Safe City for the Preborn. All of life has dignity and every life matters. Being a Safe City for the preborn would affirm this truth. Psalm 139:13 says, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.”
Rev. Scott Lucky

Rev. Scott Lucky

College and Young Adult Pastor, Parkway Baptist Church

Throughout the Bible, God describes Himself as a God who is interested in protecting those who are unable to protect themselves. He is a God of orphans and widows, of the aging and the unborn. All humans are made in His image and have dignity and worth because of the image they bear. Regardless of the circumstances of their conception, they have been fearfully and wonderfully made by God. Therefore, we must condemn in the strongest of language the dismemberment and destruction of innocent human life as an affront to humanity and to God. God’s desire is to see the flourishing of His image-bearers, living in a reconciled relationship with Him and with each other. The death of Jesus Christ on the cross for sinners and His resurrection from that death make this reconciliation with God and humanity possible. I applaud those in our city of Clinton, MS who desire to see this flourishing happen here.
Rev. Steven Mena

Rev. Steven Mena

Pastor, Providence Baptist Church

As the Pastor of Providence Baptist Church in Clinton, MS and a father of 10 precious children I want to urge the City Council to make Clinton a safe city for pre-born children through passing this resolution. Psalm 139:13 says, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.” The Word of God teaches us that valuable because God made us in his image (Genesis 1:26-27) not because of our age (young or old) or location (in or out of the womb). I pray that this is the beginning of a movement to make the whole state of Mississippi a safe-haven for the pre-born. May the Lord cause us to do “justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God (Micah 6:8).”
Rev. Frederick Williams

Rev. Frederick Williams

Pastor, Mt. Hood Missionary Baptist Church

I whole heartily support the city of Clinton becoming a safe city for pre-born children because I believe in the humanity of the pre-born and I believe that it is the Christ like thing to do. Therefore I urges the citizens of Clinton to stand together for this resolution.

Governing Authorities

Mike Cashion

Mike Cashion

Alderman, Ward 6, City of Clinton

Jeremiah 1:5 beings with this, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you…” Every unborn child should be celebrated as the miracle they are, the direct work of God. Each uniquely different, each created in His image, each perfect in His design. God doesn’t make mistakes and as such, we should rejoice in their creation and praise His name for the wondrous miracle of the sacred life He created. God chose life…so should we. I am glad to support Safe City Clinton.
Jan Cossitt

Jan Cossitt

Alderman, Ward 5, City of Clinton

Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you and before you were born I set you apart.” Since I believe life is a precious gift from God, it must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception and nurtured at every stage of its existence.
Tony Greer

Tony Greer

Former Clinton Alderman and Executive Director of Mississippi Legislative Budget Office

I’m proud that The Safe City movement is standing tall for the unborn children’s right to life and I wholeheartedly support Safe City Clinton initiative. Thank you for taking a stand!
Tim L. Martin, Ed.D.

Tim L. Martin, Ed.D.

Superintendent, Clinton Public School District

As Superintendent of Schools in Clinton and a Believer in Christ, I wholeheartedly endorse the City of Clinton’s efforts to become a Safe City where Life is valued both before Birth and Afterwards. All Life is Precious to God and we must protect the lives of the unborn. May God Bless this effort.


Rita Anderson

Rita Anderson

For over 40 years Ron and I have lived in Clinton, rearing our children, loving, teaching, and encouraging our grandchildren and now great grandchildren. But investing in young lives does not stop with our own family. We rock babies on Sunday mornings in our church home at Morrison Heights. I delight in teaching preschoolers in Vacation Bible School there what it means to be on mission for God in our own community and to the ends of the earth. Surely there is no more important aspect of that mission than protecting and advocating for the lives of precious pre-born babies. I pray that Clinton will not only declare that we are a Safe City but will act upon that declaration as the law of God demands and the laws of our State permit.
Alanna Arana

Alanna Arana

I’m Alanna Arana I’m a member of the Hispanic church in Clinton (Iglesia Hispana de Clinton). I volunteer as a ministry assistant and am also a Sunday school youth teacher. Prior to coming to Mississippi, I lived in New Orleans but due to Hurricane Katrina we relocated to Mississippi and founded the church in 2006. As a woman of God and as a Clintonian, I support the action to making Clinton a safe city.
Dr. David Champagne

Dr. David Champagne

Assistant Professor of Christian Studies, Mississippi College

Of the abundant gifts with which we are blessed, the gift of life is by far the most precious. It is a great privilege to be a member of a community that recognizes and defends this truth.
Barbie Ferguson

Barbie Ferguson

To me pro-life is more than a rally or choosing a side, it is the most basic form of respect for another human being. As Mother Theresa once famously shared, “it is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.” As a Christian, I will forever be pro life and rejoice in all the love and joy each human brings to this world. Psalm 139:13 “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”
Robby Followell

Robby Followell

From a young age, I’ve never been able to understand the rationalization of abortion. Ending life on our own terms shouldn’t be justified under any circumstance, and I long to see a day when unborn babies are seen as lives worth saving. As an adoptive father, I’ve experienced firsthand the treasure that an unwanted child becomes for a loving family, and I support adoption as a tremendous alternative to the dreaded practice of abortion.

Dr. Evan Lenow

Dr. Evan Lenow

Director of Church and Minister Relations, Mississippi College

The Declaration of Independence declared that we all have the God-given unalienable right to life. It is the responsibility of government to protect this right, especially for the most vulnerable among us. Pre-born children are certainly the most vulnerable persons in our midst, and I desire that our city would be a safe place for them. I pray that the citizens and government of Clinton would support the safe city initiative.
Clay Mansell

Clay Mansell

I am very excited to see  a group of people coming together and working to make Clinton an even better place to live.    Anytime a group of concerned citizens comes together for a cause, it is a positive for Clinton. I am excited to see Clinton label itself as a Safe City for Babies.

Kayland McCarley

Kayland McCarley

My name is Kayland McCarley. I am a local resident of Clinton, MS. , a graduate student at Mississippi College, and full time Clinical Manager at The Center for Pregnancy choices. The center for pregnancy choices is a non profit medical clinic that offers free medical services, counseling, and other resources to women and men facing unplanned pregnancies.I am a supporter of the safe city resolution because I believe that innocent/vulnerable babies in the womb need a voice to protect them from the violence of abortion. The city of Clinton can be that voice.
Dr. Ivan Parke

Dr. Ivan Parke

Professor of Christian Studies, Mississippi College

Jesus identifies Himself as life. Therefore, we align ourselves with Jesus. That’s the reason why we’re pro-life. Erring on the side of life is never an error.
Mississippi College Students for Life

Mississippi College Students for Life

As the age most targeted by the abortion industry, it’s imperative that we take a stand for life. That starts in college towns like Clinton. By making Clinton a Safe City, you’re protecting the most at-risk women and their pre-born children. That’s essential.


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